What is a Protective Style and How to Prep for a Protective Style?


In the beauty world, trends come and go, but the protective styling trends remains a timeless and essential. A protective style not only adds flair to your overall style but also shields your hair from breakage, knots, and tangles. Therefore, allowing it to flourish and drive to improve your length and moisture retention. Here are the key steps to take when styling your hair appropriately in a protective manner.


What is a Protective Style?

A protective style is a hairstyle that involves tucking away your ends, minimizing manipulation and breakage. Thus, safeguarding your hair from factors like weather, friction, and styling tools. These styles can range from braids, twists, weaves, and wigs to buns, updos, and even wraps. The ultimate goal of a protective style is to create a low-maintenance environment for your hair, allowing it to rest and recover from the stresses of daily styling routines.


How to Know if Your Style is Protective

To ensure that your chosen protective style serves it’s purpose, consider the following criteria:

Ends Protection: Protective styles should keep your hair ends tucked away. This prevents them from being exposed to external elements, reducing the likelihood of split ends and breakage.

Minimal Manipulation: A protective style should minimize the need for daily manipulation. If your hair requires constant combing, brushing, or touching, it might not be a protective style.

Low Stress on Scalp: The chosen style should distribute the weight and tension evenly across your scalp. Avoid styles that pull too tightly, leading to discomfort or hair loss.

Preservation of Moisture: A protective style should assist in retaining your hair's moisture. If the style allows moisture to escape or causes excessive dryness, it might not be as protective as you think.


How to Prep For Your Protective Style

Once you've chosen a protective style that meets the criteria, it's time to prepare and style your hair. With our Healthy Hair Starter Kit, you’re able to have all the products you need before you install your protective style. The kit contains our healthy hair growth products will make your hair growth journey an easy and healthy one with healthy hair care products that you will fall in love with!



Cleanse and Condition: Begin with a thorough cleanse using a sulfate free shampoo that encourages a healthy scalp and hair growth. Follow up with a nourishing conditioner to ensure your hair is formulated to be super moisturizing and hydrating to your hair.  

Detangle with Care: Gently detangle your hair using a wide-tooth comb or your fingers. Start the detangling process from your ends, then work your way up to the roots. This step is crucial as it removes the knots and tangles which makes the styling process smoother.

Prep Your Hair: Apply a hydrating mist and a lightweight oil to provide extra moisture and slip. This helps with easier styling and keeps your hair nourished during the protective phase.

Choose Your Style: Depending on your preferences and hair type, select a protective style that suits you. Popular options include braids, twists, buns, weaves, and wigs.

Secure and Protect: When styling, ensure that the style is secure but not overly tight. Tight styles can lead to tension on your scalp and hair roots, potentially causing damage.

Maintain Moisture: Even while in a protective style, continue to moisturize your hair as needed. Use the hydrating mist spray to maintain moisture levels to prevent dryness throughout the life of the hairstyle. 

Nighttime Care: Protect your style while sleeping by wearing a satin or silk bonnet or using a satin pillowcase. This prevents friction and helps maintain the integrity of your protective style.



A protective style is not just a fashion statement; it's a commitment to maintaining the health and vitality of your hair. Understanding the characteristics of a protective style and how to properly prep for it ensures that you get the most out of this hair care practice. Whether you're new to protective styles or a seasoned pro, these guidelines will help you achieve hair care success while rocking your chosen protective style with confidence.

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