Hair Care and Hair Growth Articles

Are you balding? Tips for Male Pattern Baldness

Men, are you experiencing hair thinning or balding? This could be a sign of unhealthy hair or male pattern baldness (MPB). Other causes of hair loss in men include, but are not limited to, diseases, side effects of medication, or extremely stressful situations. Luckily, we are here with a brief rundown on the hereditary cause of balding, male pattern baldness, as well as suggestions for men’s hair health, and tips for rocking a bald look. 

A man thinking of hair growth solutions

What Causes Bald Patches in Men’s Hair?

Men’s genetics and hormones can cause bald patches in their hair and beards and even cause a receding hairline. 

  • Hereditary pattern baldness is more common in men than in women, but both can experience it. This type of hair loss is not preventable since it is genetic. 
  • Stress-related hair thinning or hair loss can be associated with Telogen Effluvium, Trichotillomania, or Alopecia Areata. All of which do not have to lead to permanent hair loss.
  • Another possible cause of men’s hair loss and balding is unhealthy hair habits such as excessive chemicals from toxic hair products, coloring or styling, and traction alopecia from tight hairstyles. You can change your hair habits to prevent permanent hair loss before you damage the hair follicles. Once the follicles are damaged, the hair loss will be permanent.

If you are suddenly experiencing more than usual hair loss, please seek medical attention, as this could be a sign of an illness. A doctor can help pinpoint the cause of your hair loss, which may lead to a treatment, solution, or diagnosis. 

What is MPB?

MPB stands for male pattern baldness, sometimes referred to as androgenetic alopecia, and it is the most common cause of hair loss in men. It is gradual hair thinning and hair loss where each cycle of development, follicular miniaturization, and inflammation get shorter.  Over time, the hair follicles fail to reach sufficient length to breach the surface of the skin. This leaves an empty follicular pore, thinning out the area of hair until it is bald. When this happens, it is permanent baldness. 

Can Men have Alopecia?

Yes, alopecia can affect men, women, and children. Alopecia can be genetic, like androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male or female pattern baldness. The other types of alopecia can be caused by hormonal changes or environmental factors. For example, traction alopecia can be caused by the constant use of tight hairstyles, hats, or helmets that cause tension on the scalp and hair. 

Alopecia areata is another prevalent type of alopecia seen in men and women of any race. It typically begins in childhood or as a young adult and causes patchy hair loss on the head or beard. It is not curable, however people can grow their hair back. This type of alopecia can cause a singular episode of patchy hair loss in a lifetime, or lead to chronic hair loss. The amount of regrowth, volume, or even color and texture after an episode of alopecia areata varies from person to person. The average time of an alopecia areata episode also varies, hair can regrow in six weeks to roughly a year. 

What Causes a Receding Hairline?

Men and women can experience a receding hairline from hormones, stress, or alopecia. Men’s and women’s hairline can gradually recede in an M-shape while also thinning in a circular pattern on the back of the head as a result of androgenetic alopecia. Both hair loss areas continue to thin out and expand the bald patches. The balding rate varies, it can take less than five years or 25 years to go completely bald. 

A man’s hair growth transformation from Bask and Lather’s products

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy

If you are looking to avoid unnecessary hair loss from unhealthy hair, here are a few tips for men. 

  • Avoid toxic hair products, stick to clean and natural products
  • Hydrate your hair and beard 
  • Avoid tight hairstyles, pulling, or tension on your hair or beard

We suggest using our Scalp Stimulator which uses natural cold-pressed oils to encourage existing hair to continue growing. Our Beard Magic serum uses Omega 3, 6, and 9 along with fatty acids to help hydrate and strengthen your facial hair. Our Beard Oil uses various vitamins to promote healthy beard texture and fullness. We suggest massaging our men’s hair growth products into your scalp or face with our scalp massager. All of our products work for any hair type, so don’t worry if you have fine straight hair or curly hair.

Depending on your hair maintenance goals, there is a Men’s Hair and Beard Growth Bundle that has everything you may need. Our natural hair growth products are perfect for keeping your hair healthy and moisturized while reducing the chances of premature breakage.

Beard growth progression photos

How to Use Bask & Lather Products to Combat Hair Loss

Our natural hair growth products for men can be used to help keep your hair healthy and moisturized. Our hair and beard oils can be used to help regrow hair from nonpermanent hair loss causes. Please note that male pattern baldness and some forms of alopecia are irreversible and unpreventable as it is hereditary. 

  • Scalp Stimulator: use 1-2 times daily on bald spots, areas where the hair is thinning, or at the hairline. If you are using the scalp stimulator on your whole head, we suggest using it 1-2 times per week for Type 1 and Type 2 hair. For Type 3 and Type 4 hair, use the simulator 3-4 per week.  
  • Beard Magic & Beard Oil:Apply our natural beard serum and beard oil 1-2 times daily on specific patches of hair or 2-4 times per week on the whole beard. For best use, apply to a clean face with a slightly damp beard. Apply the serum first, then follow the oil to lock in the moisture.  
  • Scalp Massager: The scalp massage can be used as often as needed for the scalp and beard. It is a great way to massage the hair growth oils into the skin. The scalp massage can be used to help wash with shampoo or help conditioner your hair as well. Your hair or beard can be dry or wet when using the massager. 

    Bask + Lather’s Men’s Hair and Beard Growth Bundle

    Common Questions about Male Pattern Baldness

    Since male pattern baldness is so common, there are several frequently asked questions around this topic. A few of the most popular questions are addressed below.

    Does Baldness Come From My Mother or Father?

    Genetic balding comes from both parents since it is believed to be passed down in the X chromosome and it is polygenic - needing more than one gene. 

    It is believed that you are more likely to experience male-pattern baldness if it is seen on the maternal side of the family. However, there are other contributing genetics passed along in autosomes (non-sex chromosomes). 

    Does Male Pattern Baldness Skip a Generation?

    Male pattern baldness can skip a generation but does not always do so. It is a difficult genetic factor to predict. 

    Can Men Prevent Becoming Genetic Balding?

    No, male pattern baldness can not be prevented. It can be delayed with healthy habits and reduced chances of hair loss from other factors like traction alopecia, stress, or excessive hair damage. 

    At What Age Do Men Lose Their Hair From Male Pattern Baldness?

    According to the American Hair Loss Association, 25% of men who have male pattern baldness typically start losing their hair before 21 years of age. By 35 years old, roughly two-thirds of men will experience some hair loss. By the age of 50, 85% of men will have dramatically thinner hair. 

    Men’s Hair Care Before Hair Loss

    Male pattern baldness affects the majority of men causing hair loss and balding from varying ages. This can affect a man’s self-image and confidence, but there are ways to keep your hair and beard healthy for as long as possible. Use Bask + Lather’s natural hair products in your hair care routine to prevent unnecessary hair loss. Most men will experience a receding hairline, hair thinning, bald patches, and even complete baldness, but keep your confidence. Men, take care of your hair to help delay permanent hair loss or style your bald head if you have one. Embrace your hair status, whatever it may be, you are not alone.  
